Mesa Southwestern Area Rug

Traditions of the past meet modern needs for quality, beauty, and comfort in this unique and timeless design inspired by Native American motifs from the American Southwest. Soft pile weave replaces the traditional flat weave of typically inspired carpets, resulting in luxuriously soft, superior quality hand-woven rugs. Woven with the finest quality Tibetan wool using a vegetal dye blend, our Mesa rugs are the finest choice for a contemporary luxury lodge aesthetic. This piece has been crafted by hand in true 50-knot quality.


Mesa Southwestern Area Rug

Mesa Southwestern Area Rug:  Traditions of the past meet modern needs for quality, beauty, and comfort in this unique and timeless design inspired by Native American motifs from the American Southwest. Soft pile weave replaces the traditional flat weave of typically inspired carpets, resulting in luxuriously soft, superior quality hand-woven rugs. Woven with the finest quality Tibetan wool using a vegetal dye blend, our Mesa rugs are the finest choice for a contemporary luxury lodge aesthetic. This piece has been crafted by hand in true 50-knot quality.


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